professional activities, academic excursions, etc.


A layman’s sociological take on graffiti in the institutional artworld

Coverage of the All-City Invitational (also known as the 2BUCK Graffiti Jam)


The Big Sleep: Meditations on Death and Grieving, Snide Gallery. 2022

At The Open End, Clark Gallery, 2019

COLLIDER Artist-in-Residence Exhibition, South Central Regional Library, 2019

Whatever Works, Brick Street Art Studios & Gallery, 2019

“Even though a person is alive for only a discrete period of time, their presence reverberates into the future through memories. Two works by Chelsea Harris explore this notion through luminous depictions of friends lost to opioid addiction; her work draws upon traditions of portraiture, but also feel as if they are plucked directly from the artist’s mind.”

— Kevin Warth, review of The Big Sleep


The Spruce Artist Residency, Indiana, PA. 2019

COLLIDER Artist-in-Residence, Louisville Free Public Library, Louisville, KY. 2019